Sam Linkowski

Voice and Piano Instructor


Sam Linkowski, originally from Fresno CA, is a vocal coach, singer, musician, songwriter, and actor. Before attending UCLA, Sam performed in, directed, or vocal-coached more than 3 dozen play and musical productions across several regional, community, and high school theaters, also creating his own concerts.

At UCLA he performed in Bent, Spring Awakening, the Mineola Twins, among others. He also performed at Feinstein’s at Vitello’s and the Rockwell Table and Stage in Los Angeles. He has studied with Jason Alexander, Lainie Kazan, and Marty Panzer.

Over the coronavirus period, he graduated from UCLA in musical theater and began coaching young people on singing and acting. All while continuing to act, sing, and write songs in his living room to share with friends and family. He currently is producing an album of his music that will be released soon!